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Welcome to R35Solar
We want you to understand the basics so you can better prepare yourself to make a decision on what you can do with your solar generator. Below are the real facts.

Brought to you by the Solar power people you can trust.

This information is true of  ALL Solar Systems, period.

1. A Solar Power System / Generator is basically always operating on the batteries. That is, nearly ALL the power being used is coming from the battery/s. You see, the solar panel/s are there to charge the battery/s and keep them charged.  And during periods of no use, they continue to charge the batteries back up. And any excess power from the panels can be used for other things like selling it back to the power company but that's another subject. So, if your battery/s fail, you only have whatever power the solar panel/s can give you. No sun, no power without the battery/s. It's basically a big solar charging station for your battery/s.

However, if you are using less power than the solar panels are rated for, then the battery is not used and all the power will come from the solar panel/s. For instance, our 800 watt system uses a 100 watt panel, if you are running a laptop computer that uses 80 watts, then the batteries are not used at all during daylight hours. But once the sun goes down, the power is then coming from the batteries and this determines how long your system will run a given device. Daylight under these conditions (80 watt) will run forever. (during daylight) The less power needed, the longer it can run. There are calculations involved to determine run times that are not covered here. See our technical explanation page for the actual methods used to calculate run times.

The compete systems is using a solar panel/s to charge a battery/s. The battery is connected to a Power Inverter that converts the 12 volt battery voltage to 120 volts AC for your appliances. The power inverter is rated in watts output with a surge rating for a motor startup that is usually double the average rating. Example: Our 800 watt model uses a 800 watt power inverter with a surge of 1600 watts. It is the inverter that runs everything using the battery/s for power. Unless the load power is less than the solar panel's output, in which case the solar panel/s can provide all the power needed. This condition would be any load that uses less than the 100 watts the 800 watt system panel is rated for. A 100 watt panel can supply almost all of the power needed for a load using less than 100 watts.

There are some big advantages to using a Solar Generator.
.Solar power is Quiet. No moving parts except for a cooling fan on the inverter. Neighbors will like the fact there is no noise.

3. No gasoline or diesel fuel required. Operating Costs, ZERO. You will still have power long after the neighbors generators run out of gas. In any emergency, fuel is always hard to get, ask anyone who has been in one. This makes our Solar Generators great for not only emergencies, but also for long term use, camping, boating, and off grid use.

4. Expandable. The money you spend today is not wasted if you want to expand your system. You can add more solar panels, more batteries, and larger inverters for even more power and run times. Thus giving you more flexibility and savings in the future.

5. We tell you the truth. And we sell the best products we can find. This means quality and reliability are our number one goals that go into building each and every unit we sell. Each one is Hand made made and tested right here in the good old U.S.A.

6. I don't like to talk about competitors or their sales practices but I just have to say something here. Many out there lead you to believe that their system will power a refrigerator or air conditioner, or even a house. Sure, even our 800 watt system will run a refrigerator, but, and its a big but, for how long??  Most systems will only run something the size of a large refrigerator for less than an hour. The reality of it is, the system will run a given device only as long as the battery can keep it running. And with a big load like a large fridge, it won't be long in most cases.  Again, this is related to how much you are wanting to run, and how long do you want to run it. Our 800 watt system should run a collage dorm room size refrigerator almost forever, since it only uses about 160 watts of power for about 15 minutes every hour. And it can run a large freezer for a few hours, but it all depends on the freezer or fridge's power needs. New models of freezers and refrigerators require much less power than 10 year old ones.

See our technical page for those who want to get specific. Have your calculator ready.

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